Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter is a comin!

How exciting, how awesome, I cannot wait for this weekend and Easter! I mean seriously is there any better day for a Christian than Easter? It seems to me it should be the biggest day on our calendars (yes bigger than the big C) the day we celebrate our Savior and His resurrection!
I love all the kids, all the x-tra people whom have given of their time to come and hang with the kids, it is going to be great! I will blog next week about how awesome it was but first want to thank all my peeps for this last week and stepping up to fill in and make sure things ran smooth up in the Zone! Ya see I was out last week...sick, maybe a hangover from Superstart two weeks ago? Not sure, but I was so out and I just love our people who work week in and week out so selflessly up with the elem kids they are great! I was so pleased to hear how people stepped up with ideas and helped out my man Doug with leading both services and our wonderful K-dog for taking care of so much behind the scenes. And someone please tell me you got a pic of Dean Bennett doing his best "Ezra" impersonation....that I have to see! Parents your kids are in the best of care with the people in the Zone, they so love your kids, you and most of all God...and it shows, each and EVERY week their love and devotion shows! Got lots to do so will get back to it, see you on Easter!