So who seriously knew an egg could explode like that? Anyway, so Easter yesterday, wonderful, great, our kids, love our mentors and extra help was so great and helpful yesterday! Pastor Aaron did such a great job with the message and choir great..just a wonderful Easter, so the "egg"plosion...I am teaching second hour to large group and wanted some way to illustrate what a "mess" they made of Christ when the crucified him and also how when He rose He came back healthy, whole, still had his scars but was risen and not a "mess" at all! So to do this I was going to crush a few eggs in my hand into a bowl and make a real mess, and to do this right I needed to slightly crack the eggs so they crushed all nice and neat in my hand. Well I make my first point and then go to crush this egg and realize in my head "oh man I forgot to crack the egg...oh well I am a strong guy I will just squeeze and it will........BOOM!" Egg went blew up like a hand grenade man! I had yolk everywhere, all over the first few rows of kids and egg shrapnel flying as far back as the back of the room, one kid even yelled out "ow..I'm hit!" Now don't worry he was alright, just a bit shocked, as I and every other adult/kid in the room was! It was all good, we all had a good laugh and boy when I pulled out another egg they really perked up and paid attention! And to make the point about our Savior I emptied out a few eggs and when I crushed yolk cause...nobody in the grave, He was not there and was not a mess any longer! It was alot of fun, I love the "energy" and "excitement" on Easter all the visitors and just the celebration of the was good!
But looking forward to getting back to things this next week as we continue to dive into the person of Ezra and God's Wall of Protection for us all! Thanks to those who lent a hand yesterday to make things so fun and I hope we all keep in our hearts and minds all year long the message of Easter and how free we are because of what Jesus did for us! See ya friends and careful with those morning eggs...they can go off in your hand and make quite a mess!
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