Darren giving Cole a lesson on "how not to get to Heaven"
Cole looks a little confused here........
1st Hour Praising God through music
1st Hour Again, praising God through music
This past Sunday we wrapped up an 8 week series on how God "Flipt" our lives. We learned about following Jesus, trusting Jesus, doing the right thing when tempted, confidence, loving like Jesus, obeying Jesus, forgiving as Jesus forgave and courage. We have enjoyed teaching God's Word through praise and worship, bible talks, videos, "really bad theater", puppets, illusions and most importantly through prayer. Every Sunday we may not reach each child that enters The Zone, but in our hearts we feel that each child has been given the chance to learn the word.
In the next few weeks you may hear the children talk about the "offering contest". We are trying to collect $300 in offering during both services over a 3 week period. That may seem like a lot, however, we are averaging 300 kids a week during both services. The offering will go to help fill totes with microwavable foods that kids can prepare over Spring Break. These kids normally only get to eat breakfast and lunch at school. I guess you can say we have our own missions in The Zone. First hour is doing a boys verses girls. Second hour is doing a grade level collection. Ask the kids what the prizes are....... we will post pictures in a few weeks if they meet the goal. So if you need your garbage taken out, dishes washed or any other chores, we have challenged the kids to earn offering in the name of God. They may also mention the "Bible Challenge"! Our first hour worship leader has challenged the kids to bring their Bibles on Sunday mornings. We are at about 33%. Once they reach 80% Cole will accept a pie in the face from the kids.
We are encouraging the kids to participate each week in different activities, singing on stage, "theater", reading verses and demonstrating motions to songs.
We hope they enjoy Sunday mornings and look forward to coming back each and every week.
Until Next Time, Have A Blessed Week
Darren, Doug, Kathy, Cole and Tonya
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